Fat Burning Drinks For Weight Loss

Fat Burning Drinks For Weight Loss

water pitcher filled with antioxidant rich fruits and vegetables for an infused water drink

empty water pitcher ready to be filled with healthy fat burning fruits and vegetables for a detox drink recipe

step by step of mixing a detox water will cucumbers pineapple mint lemon and ginger into a water pitcher to infuse

Heathy fruits and veggies to make a weight loss detox water drink

Chopped Pineapple lemon cucumber mint and ginger on a cutting board

Last Updated on August 18, 2021

Have you tried a fat burning detox drink?  Ok, we all know that in order to burn fat like crazy you have to eat a clean diet and be really active, but usually, in order to stick to a low-calorie, healthy diet (boring!).

So much motivation is needed as well as some tricks to help control appetite.

It takes some major motivation, and often times a few tricks to help you control your appetite. All in all, we are human, and most of the time just want to eat sandwiches and cookies! Will power alone is not enough.

Water pitcher with healthy detox drink ingredients to aide in weight loss

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Even so, I find that if I have a flavored drink that I can freely gulp on without any guilt, it distracts me from wanting a cocktail or bag of potato chips.

Save money on this Homemade Detox Drink!

I'm sure that you have heard that when you feel hungry, sometimes it's that you are really indeed just thirsty or bored. It is in fact true! And certainly, if you're going to be gulping on the water all day, you certainly might as well infuse it with these naturally low-calorie detox foods that are known to in fact flush your system of toxins, boost your metabolism and improve your health.

Try this Ultimate Fat Burning Detox Water

So, basically, I decided one day to infuse a large pitcher of water with some of the most commonly known detox foods, and so the experimenting began.

Pineapple, lemon, cucumber, mint chopped up on a cutting board for a detox drink

This one is my favorite because it's almost like drinking a meal but also because it's low in calories and high in nutrition! It's also very refreshing and makes it so easy to stay hydrated throughout the day.

The ultimate fat burning detox water recipe for weight loss! This infused water suppresses your appetite and tastes so refreshing! Hello flat tummy! It's great for fat burning, increased energy, clear skin, and more! Listotic.com

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Its so, quick and super simple to put this all together. Plus after you make a batch you're all set for several days of sipping on detox water.

Fat burning drink ingredients of pineapple lemon, mint and cucumber on a cutting board

Step-by-Step Instructions to Make a Fat Burning Detox Drink

First, cut your fruit, you can certainly cut the pieces as big or as little as you would like.

Empty glass pitcher ready to be filled with detox drink ingredients

But, keep in mind the smaller you cut your pineapple cucumbers, and lemon the more chance you are going to accidentally suck them up in the straw when you take a sip. Furthermore, if you want to have a pineapple or cucumber snack while drinking you should keep the pieces a little bit bigger.

looking down into a glass pitcher with chuncks of pineapple and cucumber

Secondly, you'll add your water. In addition to the important nutritional fruits, herbs, and veggies you are adding to this drink make sure the water you add gives you equally important vitamins. Mineral water such as Figi Artesian Water is my favorite. But any water that contains natural minerals is a great choice for the base of this infused water detox drink.

Pitcher of water filled to the brim with healthy fresh fruits and veggies being stirred with a wooden spoon.

Surprisingly, this water recipe tastes so great I would truly choose it over any fruit drinks whenever I have the chance. Although this drink doesn't contain added sugar it has significant flavor. Meanwhile, who else has a snack included with their drink? So it is a win-win!


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  • 2 organic lemons
  • organic cucumber one large or 2 small
  • 1 cup chopped fresh or frozen pineapple (organic if you can find it)
  • handful of organic mint leaves
  • 1 large chunk of ginger (peeled)
  • 24 tbsp organic 100% aloe vera juice
  • Approximately 12 cups filtered water

  1. After washing, slice the lemons and cucumber into discs and add them to a large pitcher (I use a 3-quart pitcher).
  2. Next, cut a large chunk of peeled ginger (about the size of a Chapstick tube) into 3-5 pieces and muddle. Add it to the pitcher followed by the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Then, fill the pitcher to the top with filtered water, and let it infuse for at least 4 hours in the refrigerator overnight.
  4. Don't forget to drink throughout the day as much as you would like because the fat burning effect lasts all day. I prefer to pour mine over ice! Feel free to nibble on some of the fresh fruit and veggies too. The pitcher usually lasts me for a couple of days.


Nutritional Boost

  • Aloe vera juice provides a tremendous nutritional boost, because it aides in digestion and liver function,  reduces acidity in the body, supports your overall mood, and has many more health benefits! BUT, start off slow– some people are sensitive to it. As with anything else, moderation is key. AND, be sure that you're using an organic 100% aloe vera juice. Read the label because some of them have unwanted additives.

More Notes

  • Sometimes the rind of the lemons can cause a little bit of a bitter taste to the water, so I usually cut or peel off some of it before adding it to the water.
  • It's best to mix this up a few hours ahead because the longer the water sits, the more flavorful it gets. In fact, by day two (if it lasts that long!) sometimes the flavor is a little too overwhelming for me, so I just add in a little additional water to my glass before drinking it.
  • Ginger is optional so.  If you're not a ginger fan, either leave it out or use less of it. Not everyone likes the flavor in their water as much as I do.

The ultimate fat burning detox water recipe for weight loss! This infused water suppresses your appetite and tastes so refreshing! Hello flat tummy! It's great for fat burning, increased energy, clear skin, and more! Listotic.com

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Fat Burning Drinks For Weight Loss

Source: https://listotic.com/fat-burning-detox-drink-recipe-weight-loss-flat-tummy/


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